- Benefits
- Benefit Updates
- Benefit Provider Contact Information
- Life Insurance (Optional)
- Workers' Compensation
- ActiveHealth
Delta State University is committed to providing benefits that help protect employees’ health and welfare, strengthen their financial well-being, and provide paid time off from work. Application forms for membership and participation are available in the Human Resource Department for use by individual employees and departments. This information is designed to provide an overview of each benefit available to you as an employee and does not provide you an inclusive list of all features, exclusions, waiting periods, and covered situations.
We hope you find this information useful in evaluating the University’s fringe benefit program. For our current employees, we hope you will find this useful in reviewing your current benefits. Should you have any questions, you may contact the Human Resource Department at 846-4035.
State of Mississippi Health Insurance Rates
Due to the rise in claim expenses for the State of Mississippi, the State Office of Insurance has issued a rate increase for the state health plan. Please click on the link below to view the current rates effective January 1, 2023.
Send questions and comments regarding this site to Human Resources.
6501 Fiddler’s Green Circle
Suite 320
Greenwood Village, CO 80111
ActiveHealth manages the utilization review process for the State and School Employees’ Health Insurance Plan. This means that ActiveHealth is responsible for making sure that the care you receive is medically necessary, delivered in the most appropriate location, and follows generally acceptable medical standards.
When should you contact ActiveHealth?
- To pre-certify any inpatient hospitalization, specified outpatient diagnostic tests, private duty or home health nursing services, organ and bone marrow/stem cell transplants, or home infusion therapy services
- If you are managing a chronic condition, or experience a catastrophic medical event.
- To request an out-of-network review.
Department of Finance and Administration
Office of Insurance
Post Office Box 24208
Jackson, MS 39225-4208
Phone: 601-359-3411
Fax: 601-359-6568
The Office of Insurance is responsible for the day-to-day management of the Plan – a task that involves administrative and management duties including decisions regarding:
- The coordination of claims payment with Blue Cross Blue Shield
- Vendor communication and coordination
- The claims appeal process
The State Insurance Administrator of the DFA Office of Insurance is Teresa Planch.
Delta State University is committed to a policy of equal employment and educational opportunity. Delta State University does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, disability, or veteran status. This policy extends to all programs and activities supported by the University.
Send questions and comments regarding this site to Human Resources.
Workers’ Compensation
All employees who are injured on the job are protected by Workers’ Compensation insurance administered by CCMSI. If you or an employee in your department is injured, please follow the following procedure.
- Report the injury to your supervisor
- If medical treatment is required, supervisors should take the employee to University Health Center for treatment. If additional treatment is required, the employee will be referred to the appropriate provider.
- For minor injuries, treat the employee as necessary.
- If the injury occurs when the Health Center is closed, employee can be receive treatment at any local clinic or make an appointment with his/her/their doctor for minor injuries.
- For severe injuries, contact Human Resources at 4035 immediately for approval to transport the employee to the Emergency Room or contact the DSU police at 4155 for emergency treatment.
- Report all injuries to Rachel Becker in Human Resources at 4035 or rbecker@fixshowerfaucet.com, even if minor and not requiring medical treatment.
- Human Resources will submit the required paperwork to CCMSI in order to initiate a claim and create a case number.
- In order to return to work following a Workers’ Compensation injury, the employee must provide note from his/her/their doctor clearing them to return to work fully or with duty restrictions.
Employee Responsibilities
- Report all injuries to your supervisor and to Human Resources immediately.
- Provide your supervisor and Human Resources with copies of all updates from your doctor or medical care provider related to the injury within 24-48 hours after each appointment.
- Follow all instructions provided by your health care provider, including any restricted duty instructions and plans for treatment, in order to return you to work as soon as possible.
- Provide Workers’ Compensation insurer, CCMSI with any requested information in a timely manner.
All claims are reviewed and paid by CCMSI.
ActiveHealth is available to all benefit-eligible employees as part of their benefits package. Employees can register for seminars, find health coaching, and learn strategies for living a healthier life by registering at:
ActiveHealth holds monthly wellness webinars and quarterly health challenges to promote employee health and give you information on a variety of health-related topics.
See all monthly webinars and register for any that interest you on the ActiveHealth website!